“We believe knowledge is power…the more your sales team knows our agents process…the higher the success rate!”

  -The FPM Group


Hello, this is _____________ from Student Services! You recently called us looking for help with your student loans. I have some information for you today on how to possibly receive a discount on your student loans. Do you have at least 10K in student loan debt?

If interested go over the following. Are you currently enrolled in school?

  • YES – (thank the consumer, but tell them that we can only help those consumers that are out of school)
  • NO (go to question 2)

Do you have $10,000 or more in outstanding federal student loans?

  • YES – (Go to next question)
  • NO – (thank the consumer, but tell them that we can only help those consumers that have outstanding student loans)
  • DON’T KNOW – (Go to next question)

Are you currently enrolled in a student consolidation program

  • YES – (thank the consumer, but tell them that we can only help those consumers that have outstanding student loans)
  • NO – (Go to next question)
  • DON’T KNOW – (Go to next question)

 Are these loans in grace period, Deferment or Default?

  • YES – If default (go to next question)
  • NO – (Go to income question)

IF DEFAULT – Are you being Garnished?

  • YES – (thank the consumer politely, but tell them that we can only help those consumers that aren’t being garnished)
  • NO – Grace Period, Deferment and Default WITHOUT garnishment – (Go to income question)

Do you have a source of income?

  • YES – Go to Pitch)
    NO – (Go to Pitch) thank the consumer politely, but tell them that we can only help those consumers that don’t have any income or means of getting income)

Okay we can definitely get you information right now n what you may be eligible for. Please hold on while I transfer you to the proper consultant. We may be able to help you save thousands please hold on while I transfer you to a student loan consultant.